EMerald Master in Georesources Engineering (Innovative Education in Geometallurgy and Circular Economy)
The EMerald master’s programme was created to address the urgent need expressed by the European Union to create a resource-efficient Europe.
When the EU recognised the importance of mineral and metal resources in our modern economy, it also noted that raw materials industries were facing a critical skills shortage. The EMerald master’s programme aims to train a new generation of engineers with an entrepreneurial mind-set and a global vision of the value chain, putting the extraction of mineral and metal resources on a circle that continues by collecting end-of-life products and recovering valuable materials out of urban mines (circular economy). The EMerald programme is supported by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.

Participating universities:
- 1 University of Liège, Belgium
- 2 TU Freiberg, Germany
- 3 Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- 4 University of Lorraine, France